module stlc.catComb.properities.propA where

open import stlc.monad.properities.common
open import stlc.catComb.properities.common

propA-bind-state :  {A₁ A₂ A B S x y}  (f  : CatComb (A₁ × S) (S × A))  (g  : CatComb (A₂ × A) (S  (S × B)))  (s₁ : CatCombValue S)  (x₁ : ⊩' s₁)  (ff : {s₁ = s₂ : CatCombValue S}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( f  x , s₂ ⟩= t)   t))  (gg : {s₁ = s₂ : CatCombValue A}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( g  y , s₂ ⟩= t)   t))  ∃[ t ]  app   app  p₁ , p₂     p₂ , p₂  p₁  , p₁  p₁    app  p₁ , p₂     p₁  p₁ , p₂  , p₂  p₁   cur f x , cur g y , s₁ ⟩= t   t
propA-bind-state f g s₁ x₁ ff gg with ff {s₁} x₁
... |  (tS , tA) ,  e₁ , pair  stS , stA    with gg {tA} (_⇔ ⊩⇔⊩' stA)
... |  cur x a ,  e₂ , cur hh   with hh {tS} (_⇔ ⊩⇔⊩' stS)
... |  t ,  e₃ , snd   =  t ,  ev-bind-state (ev-app e₁) (ev-app e₂) (ev-app e₃) , snd  

concatListValues :  {A}  CatCombValue (list A)  CatCombValue (list A)  CatCombValue (list A)
concatListValues [] y = y
concatListValues (x  xs) y = x  (concatListValues xs y)

concatListEvValue :  {A h tt}   concatList {A}  h , tt ⟩= concatListValues h tt
concatListEvValue {h = []} = ev-comp ev-swap (ev-it-nil ev-id)
concatListEvValue {h = h  hs} with (ev-comp ev-swap x)concatListEvValue {h = hs} = ev-comp ev-swap (ev-it-cons x (ev-comp ev-p2 ev-cons))

⊩concatListValues :  {A h tt}   h   tt   concatListValues {A} h tt
⊩concatListValues nil y = y
⊩concatListValues (cons x x₁) y = cons x (⊩concatListValues x₁ y)

propA-ret-cont :  {A A₁ R s s₁} {h : CatComb (A₁ × A) R}  ∃-syntax  t  ( h  s₁ , s ⟩= t)  ⊩' t)  ∃-syntax  t  ( app   p₂ , p₁   s , cur h s₁ ⟩= t)   t)
propA-ret-cont  t ,  fst , snd   =  t ,  (ev-comp ev-swap (ev-app fst)) , (_⇔_.from ⊩⇔⊩' snd)  

propA-bind-cont2 :  {A A₁ A₂ A₃ B C s s' s₁} {h : CatComb (A₁ × A  C) C} {h' : CatComb (A₂ × A) ((B  C)  C)} {h₁ : CatComb (A₃ × B) C}  (y  : {s₂ : CatCombValue A}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( h'  s' , s₂ ⟩= t)   t))  (x₁ : {s₂ : CatCombValue B}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( h₁  s₁ , s₂ ⟩= t)  ⊩' t))  ({s₂ : CatCombValue A}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( app   app   p₂  p₁  p₁ , p₂  , p₂  p₁   cur h s , cur h' s' , cur h₁ s₁ , s₂ ⟩= t)  ⊩' t))
propA-bind-cont2 y x₁ {s₂} x with y {s₂} x
... |  cur g st ,  fst , cur x₂   with x₂  {x₃  x₁ x₃})
... |  t ,  fst₁ , snd   =  t ,  (ev-comp (ev-pair (ev-comp ev-p2p1p1-p2 (ev-app fst)) (ev-comp ev-p1 ev-p2)) (ev-app fst₁)) , _⇔ ⊩⇔⊩' snd  

propA-bind-cont :  {A A₁ A₂ A₃ B C s s' s₁} {h : CatComb (A₁ × A  C) C} {h' : CatComb (A₂ × A) ((B  C)  C)} {h₁ : CatComb (A₃ × B) C}  (x₁ : {s₂ : CatCombValue B}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( h₁  s₁ , s₂ ⟩= t)  ⊩' t))  (y  : {s₂ : CatCombValue A}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( h'  s' , s₂ ⟩= t)   t))  (x  : {s₂ : CatCombValue (A  C)}  ⊩' s₂  ∃-syntax  t  ( h  s , s₂ ⟩= t)   t))  ∃-syntax  t  ( app   p₁  p₁ , cur (app   app   p₂  p₁  p₁ , p₂  , p₂  p₁ )   cur h s , cur h' s' , cur h₁ s₁ ⟩= t)   t)
propA-bind-cont {s = s} {s'} {s₁} {h} {h'} {h₁} x₁ y x with x {s₂ = cur (app   app   p₂  p₁  p₁ , p₂  , p₂  p₁ ) (cur h s , cur h' s' , cur h₁ s₁)} (propA-bind-cont2 y x₁)
... |  t ,  fst , snd   =  t ,  ev-bind-cont (ev-app fst) , snd  

propA :  {A B s}  (f : CatComb A B)   s  ∃[ t ]  f  s ⟩= t  ( t)
propA ! _ =  ⟨⟩ ,  ev-unit , unit  
propA (nat n) _ =  (`nat n) ,  ev-nat , nat  
propA {s = s} id x =  s ,  ev-id , x  
propA (f  g) x with propA g x
... |  _ ,  x₁ , x₂   with propA f x₂
... |  t ,  y₁ , y₂   =  t ,  ev-comp x₁ y₁ , y₂  
--- PRODUCT ---
propA  f , g  x with propA f x | propA g x
... |  t₁ ,  x₁ , x₂   |  t₂ ,  y₁ , y₂   =  (t₁ , t₂) , ( ev-pair x₁ y₁ , pair  x₂ , y₂  ) 
propA {s = s₁ , _} p₁ (pair  fst₁ , snd₁ ) =  s₁ ,  ev-p1 , fst₁  
propA {s = _ , s₂} p₂ (pair  fst₁ , snd₁ ) =  s₂ ,  ev-p2 , snd₁  
propA {s = s} (cur f) x =  (cur f s) ,  ev-cur , cur  {s₁  propA f (pair  x , _⇔_.from ⊩⇔⊩' s₁ )} )  
propA app (pair  cur f , x ) with f (_⇔ ⊩⇔⊩' x)
... |  t ,  x₁ , x₂   =  t ,  ev-app x₁ , x₂  
propA [ f , g ] (pair  e , inl y ) with propA f (pair  e , y )
... |  t ,  x₁ , x₂   =  t ,  ev-copair1 x₁ , x₂  
propA [ f , g ] (pair  e , inr y ) with propA g (pair  e , y )
... |  t ,  x₁ , x₂   =  t ,  ev-copair2 x₁ , x₂  
propA {s = s} i1 z =  L s ,  ev-i1 , inl z  
propA {s = s} i2 z =  R s ,  ev-i2 , inr z  
propA {s = ⟨⟩} (nil) _ =  [] ,  ev-nil , nil  
propA {s = h , t} cons (pair x) =  h  t ,  ev-cons , cons (proj₁ x) (proj₂ x)  
propA {s = p , []} (it x r) (pair x₁) with propA x (proj₁ x₁)
... |  s , z  =  s ,  (ev-it-nil (proj₁ z)) , (proj₂ z)  
propA {s = p , h  t} (it x r) (pair  snd , cons fst fst₁ ) with propA {s = p , t} (it x r) (pair  snd , fst₁ )
... |  s' , z  with propA {s = p , (h , s')} r (pair  snd , pair  fst , proj₂ z  )
... |  s , w  =  s ,  ev-it-cons (proj₁ z) (proj₁ w) , proj₂ w  
--- MONAD ---
propA {s = s} (ret {m = exception}) x =  L s ,  ev-ret ev-i1 , inl x  
propA {s = s} (ret {m = state}) x =  cur  p₂ , p₁  s ,  (ev-ret ev-cur) , cur  {s₁} x₁   (s₁ , s) ,  (ev-pair ev-p2 ev-p1) , (pair  _⇔_.from ⊩⇔⊩' x₁ , x )  )  
propA {s = s} (ret {m = nondeterminism}) x =  (s  []) ,  (ev-ret (ev-comp (ev-pair ev-id (ev-comp ev-unit ev-nil)) ev-cons)) , (cons x nil)  
propA {s = s} (ret {m = continuation}) x =  cur (app   p₂ , p₁ ) s ,  (ev-ret ev-cur) , cur  { {cur h s₁} x₁  propA-ret-cont (x₁ (_⇔ ⊩⇔⊩' x)) })  
propA {s = L s , cur x₁ s₁} (bind {s = exception}) (pair  inl fst , cur x ) with x {s₁ = s} (_⇔ ⊩⇔⊩' fst)
... |  fst₁ ,  fst₂ , snd   =  fst₁ ,  (ev-bind (ev-comp (ev-pair ev-p2 ev-p1) (ev-copair1 (ev-app fst₂)))) , snd  
propA {s = R s , cur x₁ s₁} (bind {s = exception}) (pair  inr fst , snd ) =  R s ,  (ev-bind (ev-comp (ev-pair ev-p2 ev-p1) (ev-copair2 (ev-comp ev-p2 ev-i2)))) , inr fst  
propA {s = cur {B = S} f x , cur g y} (bind {A} {B} {s = state}) (pair  cur ff , cur gg ) =  (cur (app   app  p₁ , p₂     p₂ , p₂  p₁  , p₁  p₁    app  p₁ , p₂     p₁  p₁ , p₂  , p₂  p₁ ) ((cur f x) , (cur g y))) ,  (ev-bind ev-cur) , (cur  {s₁} x₁  propA-bind-state f g s₁ x₁ ff gg))  
propA (bind {A} {B} {s = nondeterminism}) (pair {s = []} {t = cur x t}  fst , snd ) =  [] ,  (ev-bind (ev-comp ev-swap (ev-comp ev-fmap-nil ev-flat-nil))) , nil  
propA (bind {A} {B} {s = nondeterminism}) (pair {s = s  s₁} {t = cur x t}  cons fst fst₁ , cur snd₁ ) with propA (bind {A} {B} {s = nondeterminism}) (pair {s = s₁} {t = cur x t}  fst₁ , cur snd₁ ) | snd₁ {s} (_⇔ ⊩⇔⊩' fst)
... |  tt ,  ev-bind (ev-comp ev-swap (ev-comp fmap_s₁ flat_fmap_s₁)) , snd₂   |  h ,  fst₃ , snd₃   =  concatListValues h tt ,  (ev-bind (ev-comp ev-swap (ev-comp (ev-it-cons fmap_s₁ (ev-comp (ev-pair (ev-comp (ev-pair ev-p1 (ev-comp ev-p2 ev-p1)) (ev-app fst₃)) (ev-comp ev-p2 ev-p2)) ev-cons)) (flat-cons-rev flat_fmap_s₁ concatListEvValue)))) , ⊩concatListValues snd₃ snd₂  
propA {s = cur h s , cur h' s'} (bind {A} {B} {s = continuation}) (pair  cur x , cur y ) =  cur (app   p₁  p₁ , cur (app   app   p₂  p₁  p₁ , p₂  , p₂  p₁ ) ) (cur h s , cur h' s') ,  (ev-bind ev-cur) , (cur λ { {cur h₁ s₁} x₁  propA-bind-cont x₁ y x } )